Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just realized I never posted pictures of the whole Halloween experience, only the costumes! so, here we go.

 Here are pumpkin carvers.
For some reason, 3 eyes were really in this year!

Here are my three men hanging out at the trunk o' treat

So, part way through the night, Ernie decided to ditch the Harry Potter getup and go as a missionary.
  He is a funny kid, and obviously inventive.

OK, so I must insert here how much of a rough evening we had trying to get him to get out of the car.  He was rude and belligerent and we couldn't figure out why he wouldn't go trick or treating with his costume. I was so frustrated with him.  He finally came up with this idea and he was all of a sudden in a great mood. He finally made a comment later on during the night that his costume was too long.  Aha! I finally figured it out, he felt a little bit like he was wearing a dress and all of a sudden got weirded out by it.  That's the

 I'm not sure what made him think of the new costume idea.  Luckily we were at the church trunk o' treat, so we went and found the missionaries so he could capture the moment with them. They supplied him with a B of M to compete his ensemble.  What a kid! That's all I can say! We thought it was awesome, and got over the beginning rough part of the evening.  (And I know, of all things to change their costumes into, how can a mother complain?)

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