Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Traditions

I love fall.  This year hasn't been as hard to get used to the unchanging weather. But I must say, there are times when I truly miss the beautiful changing leaves and cool crisp air.  
One of our absolute favorite Fall Family Traditions has always been going to the Pumpkin Patch.  Unfortunately there is no Linder Farms here.  And not having anything like that here brings out the nostalgia in me and I can't help but long for a little bit of weather change.
So we found a pumpkin patch. Meaning, pre-picked, washed, and very expensive pumpkins lined up.  We let the kids pick out some pumpkins, and we at least got some cute pictures. 
And let's face it, pictures, that's what really counts, right?

And yes, we are still wearing shorts here.  This week it has been raining and so the highs have been in the 80's and I think it may have only gotten to high 70's today- but don't quote me on that.  It has been wonderful!


  1. Hey, we have a ral pumpkin patch, but you have to go early in October or it's all picked over. It is called Gilcrease Orchards!

  2. Ha Ha Bailey we have the same Linder Farms Tradition and have totally missed going there this year, and we too picked our pumpkins from a pre picked place! Just not the same, but alas we will survive! Atleast we have the trees turning colors! I feel for ya on that one girl!!
