Thursday, October 7, 2010

Soccer Season

Caleb started soccer recently.  He is so amazing.  Seriously, he not only loves the game, but he is naturally good at it.  At the last game, he scored a goal about two minutes into the game.  I'm sure I will post more pictures as the season goes on, but here are a few to give you an idea of what a soccer stud looks like. And what his fans look like as well. :)

OK, so Ernie might have taken a few of those pictures, and there really aren't a ton of him actually in the game, but it's better than nothing, right?

I came across this picture as well.  I thought it was so cute, and deiced to throw it in there as well. His Grandpa and Grandma had to leave right before we went to the game, but we got a picture of them as they were leaving.

I love that it has cooled down a little and we will actually get to enjoy the games with out sitting in the blistering heat!


  1. Cringe..Cringe..Nick is playing flag football this fall..and will hopefully go back to soccer in the spring.

  2. Another Wixom playing soccer--so fitting!

  3. Is he going to have any games Halloween weekend when we are there?
