Sunday, October 24, 2010

Missionary Spaghetti

My Dad's favorite thing, and my Mother's least favorite, when we were growing up was to make Missionary Spaghetti with us.
The other day, my Dad invited us over for an installment in "Grandpa School"; making Missionary Spaghetti.  I never got any actual shots of them making the spaghetti, and I desperately wish I would have thought to take some. 
When I brought Ernie home to meet my family 10 years ago, he noticed something that nobody else had noticed on my parents 20 foot ceiling. (Except my mother.) Dried spaghetti noodles.  That is when I got to explain to him how we checked noodles in our house.  My dad taught us to check to see if the noodles are ready the way that he did when he was on his mission,  by throwing them against the wall. If they stick, they are done.
My dad tends to really get into things, and when we moved into that house he thought it would be fun to see if we could get them to stick to the ceiling.  Oh, we got them to stick all right.  And nobody could get them down.  They stayed up there for a few years.  You couldn't see them, they were so high and they blended right in.  We had honestly forgotten them until Ernie noticed them.  Whoops.
And now you know why mom sat by not entirely thrilled with the boys learning the trick.  And they totally did it.  Two noodles on the ceiling.  It was impressive, it's a long ways up. 

I did get pictures of their after dinner adventure.  Mustaches with markers. They didn't show up as well as I hoped, but you get the idea.

Yes, it was a little work to get them off their faces, but we did it.  And it was worth it.  They still laugh about it.


  1. Oh too funny... I'll have to point out the noodles on the ceiling to mom when I come this weekend...

  2. Your dad is so adorable! What a fun grandpa he must be.
