Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Life Without Excuses

The other day I was driving, I should rephrase that to riding in the car.  While on this 2 hr road trip I sent out a few emails.  I also looked up a recipe.  Then I checked movie times.  I caught up on some blog reading.  I downloaded a few pod casts. I typed a to do list.  I 'googled' a few things I had been wondering about.  I looked up a few phone numbers.  I did a little banking, and made sure all the bills were set to paid.  I checked on airplane tickets and prices. And of course, I updated my facebook status and made some sweetly comical remarks about others statuses.

The next morning while lying in bed, it hit me. What in the world????  Okay, so some of the terms I used in the above paragraph were things I was not even aware of a year ago.  And now I literally have the world at my fingertips at pretty much all times;  just not when going through a mountain pass, or through a tunnel. 

Remember when you were a kid and you were bored in a line?  Well, pretty sure your mom didn't hand you a phone so you could play checkers to occupy your time. Or hand you a phone to so you could look at pictures from your trip to Disneyland.  And pretty sure my seven year old asked when he was going to be old enough to get his own iphone.  Hmmmmm.  I think we're going to wait on that one for a LONG time.

Pretty crazy.  I just can't believe how quickly our lives have completely changed!  My mom was thrilled that the invention of a dishwasher became a household standard.  I was blown away when they came out with boom boxes.  And I am pretty sure I still had cassette tapes until at least high school.  And I know, many of you were thrilled when they invented a refrigerator.  And I know, I know, I am not even very old yet.

I finally came to this conclusion.  I am overwhelmingly amazed at the ability I now have at my fingertips and all of the ease that it creates. 

But remember when you had an actual excuse for not returning a phone call, like you weren't home.  I kind of liked having those too.

1 comment:

  1. Technology is grand, isn't it? The first time Greg and I bought a house, it felt like chaos. Since then, we have computers, email, and faxes. We hardly left the house to do the paperwork this time around. We just faxed everything to the lenders. Amazing.
