Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tag- I'm it

So, I will start off with the negitive.  I have never participated in "tagging" before. The tag was to open up the first folder of pictures on my computer, and then post the tenth one in the file along with an explination.  I thought it would be fun to see what that picture was, so I looked it up, and sure enough, it was totally worth posting!
 So ladies and gentlemen......da da da tenth picture in my first file folder is...........

Karli (my sister in law) with Caleb in 2005.  How stinking cute and chubby is that kid? 
This was on a Sunday afternoon at a family dinner we had for my brother in law Travis before he went on his mission to Texas.  Caleb is probably 7 months or so. Oh, I wish I could just grab that cute little baby and give him a huge hug!

So now for the fun part of tagging others.  Here it goes, you five lucky lucky people!
Hmmm, five people I think might actually like to do this (and now a test as to whether or not you read my blog :)
Christina Nina Roskelley Curtis
Jill Jilly Henricksen
Gina Ed Steed
Emily Hansen Smith
Hillary Bushman

Don't you feel special?  You totally should.


  1. Ha, ha I like how you put nina as my middle name :)

  2. Okay...I totally read this a couple of days ago but breezed through the part that had my name in next blog post is for you bailey!!!
