Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Best Friend

Ten years ago I made the best decision I have ever made. 

I married this guy.  He was cute, and we were SO in love.  But I really had no idea what kind of a man he had yet to become.  I know how blessed I am.  He is amazing. 

 This past week has been one of those weeks that my admiration for him has grown even more.  

  He hasn't complained once this week.  He has kept up the laundry, made lunches, gotten homework done, "trained" with the kids in the mornings, read scriptures, kept the house cleaned (even vacuumed) , made dinner, and the list could go on and on.  To top all of that off, he has come home nearly every day at lunch to check on me and make sure I have taken all of my medicine, etc. 

I definitely don't feel worthy of him, but for whatever reason, I am blessed beyond words to have him.
Ten years ago I had no idea what having a best friend meant.  Now I do. Ten years ago I thought that I knew what love meant.  But now I realize what it really means.  Ernie has showed me.  

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post! And I love that picture of you two.
